Our Academy
Twinkle has a diverse and comprehensive curriculum which is tailored to ensure students are educated to the highest standard. Twinkle also values a fund and friendly learning environment which allows students the freedom to express themselves, ensuring they develop into well-rounded and professional adults.
Our curriculum focuses on engaging and stimulating the creative and imaginative minds of students through both fiction and non-fiction studies. Our goal is to help students become as curious as possible about the world around them as well as to fill their minds with deep wonder.
Our academy has both a kindergarten and elementary academy program. Our elementary program has regular classes for grades 1-6. For 7 year old kindergarten students, we are providing afterschool prep classes. This is to prepare the students for a smoother transition to our elementary program. Our kindergarten program has regular classes for students aged 6 and 7 starting from January 2022.

At Twinkle Mapo we have adopted a western teaching philosophy which caters to the different learning styles and personalities of our students. This ensures that all students are supported in reaching their fullest potential.
What does this mean?
We recognize that each student has different learning styles. Some are reading/writing learners while others are kinesthetic learners. Some students are auditory learners while others are visual learners. This is why we cater to our students' needs in different ways.
We believe in active learning. Our students engage with their learning materials in diverse ways through subject-based projects, experiments, presentations, publications, public speaking, debate, critical thinking, and other means to ensure that each students' learning styles are met.
Results: Students learn multiple sets of skills that are both applied inside the classroom and outside in the real world so that they can connect the information and knowledge with real life.
Our students take what they learn inside the classroom and apply it to real life outside the classroom.

Our students have visits to educational sites such as laboratories and museums. These are related to the topic they are currently studying in class.
These field trips are interactive because our students play a large, important, and active role on the field trips. Our students plan, prep, and organize information about the topic to be discussed on the trip. They professionally give a presentation at the site.
We believe this is important because it allows our students to gain more confidence and practice their public speaking skills. Studies also show that students are more likely to retain information on field trips.
Being immersed in information and being involved in visual and practical experiences will help students remember, learn and understand subjects. Field trips will help reinforce classroom materials, bringing lessons to life.

The professional world is the best classroom available. Here, students can meet with those who are currently in the field and actually managing the work that the students will soon be doing. Students also are able to develop the professional relationships and practices that will make them successful throughout their career.
This experience is interactive. These meetings would be both on-site and off-site. Students engage in a meaningful conversation with the professional and gain knowledge about the fieldwork and what the professional does. This is followed by a Q&A session.
We believe these interactions with professionals are important because this allows them to ponder about their future and what career path they want to take. It exposes them to many options they wouldn't have thought of on their own otherwise.

Becoming published authors is an educational adventure unlike any other.
Our students have the chance to feel what it is like to be published. At Twinkle, we give the opportunity of writing for our magazine. Our students take great pride in being published.
There are many benefits to being published. This increases their confidence and motivation. Teaching the publishing process and getting published assists students to become better writers and readers. It also shows them the firsthand value and art of editing and revising, helps them to communicate and collaborate better, both with individual students, the class as a whole, as well as the whole academy. Furthermore, they make memories that will last for years to come.

By presenting, our students learn and hone their public speaking skills.
By doing presentations, students learn how to speak in front a group, a broadly applicable professional skill. They learn how to prepare material for public presentation, and practice (especially with feedback) improves their speaking skills.
We teach our students that presentations don't only benefit the speaker, but the listeners as well. Students not only become better speakers, but become better listeners by giving peer reviews.
Presentation skills that are emphasized at our academy help the student's English proficiency level increase, assistance in creating innovative ideas, the importance of body language, and how organization is vital to a good presentation.

Field Trip

Speech Competition


Magazine Publication

Storytelling Competition

Debate Competition

Field Trip

Science Fair


Magazine Publication

Speech Competiton

Debate Competition
* subject to change depending on the circumstances

Novel Studies
Students read various genres of novels. Novel studies has a crucial focus on critical thinking and going more in-depth questions with the themes and concepts that the novel is emphasizing. Students also come across questions which engage them to think about the novel in relation to real-life which assists students with problem solving.
Writing Conventions
Students learn different grammar and punctuation rules as well as other writing conventions through a variety of means. Students learn to apply these grammatical and punctuational rules in their everyday writing of different genres, types of writing, and topics.
Students read various fiction and non-fiction texts. They are trained to look at the material through a critical lens and to comprehend it through various means. Students scan, find key words, use the process of elimination, highlight, and drawing conclusions about the text to have a meaningful interaction. Students learn how to extract and restructure their work. This allows them to create and express their own ideas.
Creative Writing
Students learn the different types of writing that exist in the academic world. Students learn both formal and informal writing as well as the difference between the two and when to use each. They write fictional stories and learn about the different components that make up a good story. Students learn about the various structures of what makes a story complete using fantasy and their imagination.
Essay Writing
Students learn different types of essay writing. There is a big focus on the structure and the specific, proper language used for each paragraph such as transitional phrases. Students get in-depth training for reasoning skills to create the perfect and flawless argument.
Students at our academy learn various vocabulary words that are related to different topics that they are studying to express their ideas and opinions. They internalize new vocabulary words through activities, games, and demonstrating their understanding by using it in sentences and stories. Vocabulary tests are conducted each class to show the understanding in the parts of speech, sentence structure and building, as well as the definition and meaning.

Students time travel all around the world by discussing historical events and figures. Students challenge today's global issues by discussing past historical events and developing knowledge about world history. Our students also have projects to showcase their understanding and review concepts discussed in class.
Students learn English by discussing the bigger questions there are to life to stimulate their curiosity growth. Furthermore, this helps them to think outside of the box. This helps them develop into deep thinkers and form in-depth opinions and hold strong positions regarding controversial issues. This will ensure them to be open-minded and balanced to see the holistic picture.
Students learn Science using English by exploring and understanding the principles of scientific topics and concepts. Students develop an English-Science terminology and discuss about scientific concepts in English. Students also conduct hands-on science projects and experiments to demonstrate their understanding of scientific knowledge and interest.
Students at our academy discuss and debate issues that affect our world today. Students have a monthly debate competition. This ensures that our students are confident and concerned about what is happening around the world. These students go on to be active members and leaders in their society.
Students watch and listen to native English speakers through an educational video in which the important aspects are discussed. This also ensures that our students learn how to speak like a native as well as know the lingo. Furthermore, students are exposed to and learn foreign concepts and culture from native English speaking countries which allows them to understand and better communicate with native English speakers. The benefit of this is that they can get adjusted to foreign classrooms quickly. They would be able to explore the culture and society smoothly.
Students practice their speaking not only by participating in classroom discussions, but also, by presenting speeches as well. Students formally present speeches in front of the class, and parents will also receive a performance video. This assists students to develop proper public speaking skills in English as well as boosts their confidence.